Monday, July 26, 2010

So it's been a couple of weeks since either of us has written a new blog entry. I'd say it's because we've both been pretty busy. After we got back from Orlando I (Erin) had to go back to work (which is always tough after vacation) and got some new responsibilities. This is definitely a positive thing, but as everyone knows, change takes some getting used to. But I'm very happy with this new responsiblity and find myself being much busier at work, which I needed. So that's good! The Friday after we got back from Orlando we had Kinsey & Jason's reception at the church. It was really nice and everything looked great, including the bride and groom, fresh from their honeymoon. The next morning I was up early and headed to Hilton Head to spend some quality time with some of my girlfriends. It was so much fun, and I loved seeing them, but I can't help but miss Trent when I'm away from him (yes, you can gag right now). Then this past weekend I went BACK to Hilton Head to spend the weekend with the Stapleton's. Trent ended up having to work, but they were nice enough to let me still come hang out with them. Another fantastic weekend in one of my favorite places on Earth, and another weekend away from my husband. This weekend brings Mandy's bachelorette party at Chateau Elan, and I'm sure another weekend full of fun!

Mandy and Bryce's wedding is in less than 2 weeks! I can't believe it! The wedding is taking place in Charleston, SC and it's going to be very beautiful! I can't wait to be a part of such a special wedding. Photos will definitely come soon.

I don't really have any funny stories to tell, so I'll leave on this side note, I am in need of some suggestions for books to listen to on CD. If anyone has any I can borrow, please let me know! Or if you have any books that are must reads (or listen tos), please let me know. I'm always in the car for so long going to and from work, and I find that books on tape make things go by a lot faster.


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