Monday, July 5, 2010

Little pieces of inspiration

It's 11:28 PM and it feels just like old times! It has been several weeks since I have last needed the aid of the blog to put me to sleep. I must admit that I have succumbed to the laziness of having a tv in the bedroom. And, to make it worse, for the past three months we have had all of the movie channels included in our cable package as a new customer bonus. In fact, at this very moments, Hook is playing in the background. It has been wonderful bits of inspiration, such as Hook, that has persuaded me to lift up this laptop and free the mind before getting to sleep this evening.
I think Erin has done a great job of updating everything involving our married life thus far, so I'll try and just write a few lines about nothing at all. I have explained to a few folks in the past few weeks that I never really had a motive behind writing these blogs. I was not trying to influence anyone to think a certain thought or act a certain act, but it truly was so that I could fall asleep. If I could clear my mind just long enough so that I could fall asleep, then the entry was successful. I never went back and proofread the thing, or double checked the spelling...because I didn't care. I never really expected someone to read it in the first place. I rather suddenly realized today that that was not the case. I love the fact that people can become somewhat interested in what goes on in our lives! And as the tv is chanting " Run home Jack" instead of "Homerun Jack" it becomes even more clear how important the things we say and do really are. I have had several experiences this weekend that can better illustrate that point:
As most of you know, I run a barbecue joint and that means that the 4th is a very busy day for me and my store. Thankfully, we are not open on Sunday, so I actually had the 4th off this year, but we took care of business on Saturday. For those of you that have never worked at Barbecue Street or do not know someone that works at the store, the day of the 4th celebration goes something like this for my self and the owners: 6:00 AM arrive at the store, by 8:00 AM have had to chop nearly 200 lbs of barbecue meat and gathered and loaded the vans with enough sides, drinks and paper supplies for 1500 people for an all day catering, by 10:30 AM have the store ready to open for business, 3:30 PM head to downtown Kennesaw to set up a booth for drink sales during the fireworks celebration, 10:00 go pick up the booth while fighting the ridiculous people traffic, 12:30ish Am the next morning help unload the 1500 person catering and close up the store and finally get home and get some sleep. In a's a long day. Well, fit in there at about 11:00 PM back the van up to the trailer in the parking lot. While doing so, my headlights were shining on to the road in front of me where nobody was. Well, as I was backing up, two police cars pulled up to the light directly in front of me...and unfortunately my lights were shining right in to the first car. Instead of ignoring the lights or shielding his eyes or just plain looking in the other direction, the police officer(if he even deserves to be called that right now) decided that the proper way to protect and to serve would be to turn his spotlight on and shine it right back in to my face, so as to blind me as well. ---This is an example of how little tings can negatively effect in a bag way. I'll be honest, I think a lot of police officers are on a power trip...and this certainly did not help improve my opinion. I am sure there are a lot of good officers out there, but my experiences have not been helped as of late. It's kind of like during WWII. I am sure there were thousands of really good German people, but ask a WWII veteran what they think of Germany being in the World Cup Finals and I am sure they will gladly share their opinion (Go Netherlands!!!)
The next day while Erin and I were walking to the lake to see the fireworks, we were walking behind an African American family. We got close enough to start to hear what they were talking about, and it was quickly understood that there were not above making rather quick judgments...the same kind of judgments that if I had said the same thing about a black person, I probably would have made it on the evening news for starting a race riot. Now, I am not a racist person or easily offended, so it didn't bother us too much, but it was the principle of the matter. How did we allow for so many double standards to be established?
Today I had some better experiences, but they don't make for an exciting blog entry, but I will say how great it was to see Greg get on to a roller coaster and see the terror in his eyes as we climbed the first hill on Goliath this afternoon.

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