Monday, June 21, 2010

This is what you have all been waiting for!

I feel like such a bum because I have not posted anything on here in months and I have no good excuses for ignoring these empty pages. But, I have a surprise for everyone this evening!! As Erin has explained, we are finally married and enjoying married life. On a side note, what kind of an answer do people really want when they ask "How's married life"? I don't get it. First of all, in the first three weeks of marriage, not much has changed. We haven't even received our wedding license on the mail yet, so as far as border patrol is concerned Erin is still not a Stapleton. So, in response to that question, which I have probably been asked 1,000 times in two weeks, married life is great. It has instantly reduced our car insurance rates, and that is wonderful!
Speaking of car insurance, do I have a story to tell! I couple of years ago, in fact just before Erin and I officially became a couple, we took a trip down to Panama City for a very good friend's wedding. On the way back, I got pulled over for speeding in Alabama. Say what you would like about me getting pulled over, but I am a responsible driver and was just enjoying the empty and open Alabaman highway with a beautiful girl in the car next to me....I don't see anything wrong with that. Long story short, I paid the bill a few weeks later over the phone after I received it in the mail. The ticket came in the Summer of '08, and the payment took place in probably August of '08. Flash forward to June '10. We had been home from our honeymoon for a few days and it was time to get back to work and take care of the things like opening a car insurance policy for Erin and I. Everything was going great, Erin's report came back good and the agent assumed that mine would be good because I had been active on my parents policy for years. She quoted me at a wonderfully low price for 6 months and I was ready to sign on the dotted line when she pulled up my license report to find that my license had been suspended...since November of '08! I assured her that she must have been mistaken because there was no way that it had been suspended and I wouldn't have known about it...but sure enough, a court in some small city in Alabama had requested the suspension of my license for an unpaid ticket.
Now, I knew that I had paid the ticket because I spoke with a clerk at the court office and paid with m credit card over the phone. So, I quickly called the court to figure out why they had suspended my license. Come to find out that the ticket had been underpaid by $.78! 78 cents!!! Really? It probably cost this court more money in paper work to have my license suspended than to forget about $.78! But don't worry, I'm sure they made it all back in late fees! Luckily, the maximum late fee that you can be charged for a late ticket is $100. I say that because it had been nearly two years! I don't even want to imagine what it would have been if they didn't have a cap on their late fee penalty!
So, $110.78 to the Alabama traffic court, $35 to the Georgia DDS, and 2 1/2 hours of the crowded DDS office, I am a legal driver once again!
We are trying to figure out how to get the wedding slide show uploaded so that everyone can see it. If anyone knows how to upload something that is made with iDVD to the internet, please let me know

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