Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Lance Bass

Many of you know this by now because of Facebook, but I think an entire blog post is necessary for this one event.

My goal since I started using Twitter a few months ago was to get a celebrity to tweet me. This weekend it happened... from the celebrity that I would have chosen out of all the celebrities that I follow. Of course I say that now... I'm sure I may have said that about a different celebrity if it had been them. BUT come on... Lance Bass!?! The man I thought was my one true love throughout middle and high school? I couldn't be much happier. Here is the convo... (my tweet came first, obviously) I tweeted on the way to New Orleans.

Afterwards I tweeted him one more time and said " Man! We should have stopped by"! And that was end of the most perfect twitter conversation I have ever had. And it will go down in the history of my life as one of the best moments :)

1 comment:

  1. You are such a trip, my Lizzy! I wish Lance could hear the story of how you earned your backstage passes to his concert in Atlanta! Keep chatting with him - every now and then, so as not to come across as "stalkerish" but enough to become real friends! HEHE! XOXOXO
