Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Answer... kind of

Thanks everyone for the ideas and thoughts! This is what I did...

Of course I couldn't just keep it without calling and talking to them first. As Kriya mentioned on the last post... WWJD? I just couldn't bring myself to keep it without telling someone at the company first. So, the next morning after the second table arrived, I called the customer service number for the company I bought the table from, and they thanked me profusely for letting them know. They then told me that UPS would be sending me an email within 48 hours that includled a packing label. All I would have to do would be to print the label and put it on my second table and then drop it off at any pickup location for UPS. Easy enough since UPS picks up from my work, and we actually use the same system with UPS when picking items up from customers. Easy peasy.

However... I never got an email from UPS with a packing label!! Now I feel like I'm at square one again! Should I call AGAIN, or should I just count the first call as my attempt to return the table and assume that they just don't need it back very much. I don't know what to do! In the meantime the tables just sit in their boxes in our garage... oh such a dilema :/


  1. i would ask to swap the second one for a UGA (amazing) one!

  2. So I HAVE actually done some additional thinking on the matter and as I've heard (and advised) a thousand times - at least - "always do the next right thing" - which, in this case, is to return it. That being said - I would tell the people at the place that you have already called once and never got a shipping label and that if you don't get one after this call, the table will be considered a gift from them to you! :)

  3. I love that you did what I would do!!! We're like the same person. Makes me feel evenbetter about you watching my babies.... :)
